Friday, October 28, 2011

"I Am So Excited About This" Shawl

I have finally gotten the time and energy to sit and write about my long-completed shawl. (Previous post concerning this same shawl can be found here.) I know, I know; you're probably wondering, "How much energy does it take to sit at a computer and mash some buttons?" But, let me tell you, sitting down to "mash some buttons" can be quite time-consuming and exhausting when you have three little ones who always wait until you've sat down and typed one letter to start coloring on the walls, or throwing toys, or screaming, or pooping in their pants, or having to go potty, or, or, or....and in half-an-hour's time you still haven't formed a coherent sentence on the screen. Needless to say, it is a daunting experience. Well, not today!! Today, I have absconded with my husband's laptop where I can sit and watch my children, and they know I'm watching, so they are little angels now. It's so lovely.

Anyhow, onto the shawl.

The thing I love the most about this shawl is that you can turn it to the wrong-side, and have no idea what is going on in the front. Just look at this:

Who would think that boring lump would have all this going on in the front?

This shawl was fun for me to knit, since it was like knitting a shawl backwards for me. You get the hump at the beginning with the long rows, but the top just flies by! However, I was disappointed by the very top of the shawl where it is ended. There is a divot in mine; I'm not sure if I was supposed to sew it together, or what. I am hoping that practice will make perfect in the instance. I'm sure I will come up with something as I continue to go along with shawls.

One thing I have learned from this shawl is that I am a lover of big shawls. I love to wrap myself up in them. There is no wrapping up with this shawl, unless I only wrap it around my neck. So, lesson learned; I am sure I will still use it, and I still have enough yarn left over to make myself a pair of socks or fingerless gloves! All the possibilities...

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